Hydro Chute
Fire Closure Plates
Chute Fire Safety
Fire closure plates should be fitted at the base of all chutes. The chute fire closure plates are designed to automatically close in the event of a fire. When the fusible link is activated, the fire closure plate should close quickly to prevent the fire and smoke spreading up the chute. Fire closure plates need to be regularly serviced and tested to ensure they remain operational at all times.
Call Hydro Chute today to discuss installing or servicing your existing closure plates.
Free Consultation
Fire Closure Plates & Discharge Pipes
Our 4hr fire rated chute closure plates are manufactured in-house. Not only are they designed to ensure the highest level of protection in the event of a fire, but they are also designed to be safe and easy to use on a daily basis as the bins get swapped over and emptied.
We also manufacture the discharge sections of chutes to fit all types of bin store rooms. The discharge pipe is the section that connects the chute from the ceiling to the fire closure plates.